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Środa 31 Lipiec 2019, 16:50:12

Freelance Marketplace

FieldEngineer is a global on-demand workforce for the telecom & system support industry. The platform enables businesses to hire engineers beyond their reach on-demand, on-budget. FE is a powerful platform designed to eliminate the hurdles of finding the qualified talent on-demand worldwide. FE is proving to be an indispensable global marketplace.

With the rising demand of engineers into telecom sector for remote & freelance projects, FieldEngineer is paving the path towards technology that enables businesses to connect with the specific engineers. FieldEngineer, an acclaimed freelance marketplace platform is built to minimize the gap between third parties & engineers globally with rapid matching and real-time engineer tracking.



Seddülbahir Fortress by KOOP Architects _ AOMTD (Arzu Ozsavasci Architecture) © Egemen Karakaya
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Kamienica na Emilii Plater w Warszawie | projekt:pracownia loesch+partnerzy
Autorem projektu jest pracownia loesch+partnerzy. Konrad Loesch, będący partnerem pracowni znalaz...
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Participants are invited to submit innovative adaptive-reuse projects focused on the “Youth Union Summer Retreat” building in Ohrid, working on the recovery of this modern heritage left unused for...
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Throughout history, designers have employed drawings as a fundamental tool for the communication of ideas and visions. Drawings were used as a means of rendering abstract concepts and engaging the...
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USTAWA z dnia 29 sierpnia 2014 r. o charakterystyce energetycznej budynków Stan prawny na dzień 24.01.2024 rOBWIESZCZENIE MARSZAŁKA SEJMU RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ z dnia 24 stycznia 2024 r.w spra...
Listopad 21, 2014
  brzmienie od 2011-08-10    Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennymz dnia 27 marca 2003 r. (Dz.U. Nr 80, poz. 717)Zmiany aktu: Zmiany aktu: 2011-08...
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Aluprof startuje z kolejną edycją swojego głośnego projektu Future Builders. To wyjątkowa przestr...
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Fot. Agnieszka Kowalska
Fundacja Bęc Zmiana zaprasza na warsztaty architektoniczne wzmacniające kompetencje mieszkanek i...
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