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Wtorek 12 Marzec 2019, 10:49:34

Importance of good architecture

Home is the favorite place of every living being. We feel relaxed when we are returned home from any other places. Everyone likes a lively home that keeps positive vibes. The architecture of a home can make the persons positive who are living there. It is a fact that everyone is not having the same taste in case of the design of a house. One may like light shades in their home whereas some are interested in dark shades. Some people love to have a garden in the yard. Some are interested in a sport courtyard. I am talking about the extra values that give happiness to you. In fact, other than home every place which influences your life should be of your taste. This is a good way to stay positive. I am obsessive towards architecture. It is my passion. Architects shape the buildings and thereby the ones who are living there. I want to choose it as my career since I am happy doing it. I usually keep motivating others about the need of good architecture and design. It may sound silly but don not overlook it. Other arts are of course having great dignity. But the art of architecture influences on how we live. Kids can be taken as example. ( https://clazwork.com/ ) They like colorful toys and stuffs. They like being surrounded by colorful things. So we make their rooms colorful and stick wallpapers of their favorite cartoon. They get a special energy and happiness by seeing and feeling these. When talking about teen or youngsters, they have their own choices. Some like to keep cute stuffs whereas some like to keep ancient stuff in their room or workplace or wherever they like. A good design of your taste can be an inspiration to do what you like. Poor atmosphere will spread negative vibes and thereby makes the life boring.
Środa 03 Czerwiec 2020, 13:12:57

Re: Importance of good architecture

Thanks, for sharing
Poniedziałek 14 Grudzień 2020, 15:08:11

Re: Importance of good architecture

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Wtorek 23 Marzec 2021, 10:39:24

Re: Importance of good architecture

Hello. I like architecture that is why one day I will be an architect. Sometimes when I need perfect essays for my studies but I have no ideas which are why I use https://perfectessaysonline.com/ for helping me to have more ideas about what to write.


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