Konkursy architektoniczne

Kwiecień 14, 2020

Overseas Oasis

Data końca rejestracji: 03/08/2020
Termin składania prac: 18/08/2020
Miasto: Amsterdam
Kraj: Niderlandy

As the century drew to close, a broad-based rehabilitation of the central city as the place to study has dominated the landscape. This has led to an increase in population and a change in demographics. Among them are young adults. In pursuit of better opportunities and fulfillment, more people are choosing to travel abroad. This trend is envisioned to grow as the change gets reflected in the urban fabric of the city.

While Canada saw an 18.5% increase in 2018, international students studying in Amsterdam saw an increase of 8%. 

The world’s 12th best city in terms of 'quality of life', Amsterdam is known for its cultural inclusivity. Despite government policies formulated for the inclusion of migrants, the internationalization of education has been a point of debate for years. 2018 report by OECD reported that about 51% of the population agrees that foreigners who live in the city are not well integrated. 

Intercommunal interactions must occur for people to adjust. These adjustments are complex, ambiguous and carry a temporal sense of identity. Space, a stepping stone that facilitates the process of inclusion into the city fabric. An avenue that helps students feel belonged to society and help in preserving one’s identity.



The brief is to design a center for 100 international students (age 19-35). The creation of the space aims to enable international students to find gateways into familiar circles of the city and find an overlap with the locals.

More: https://uni.xyz/competitions/overseas-oasis/info/about
Dodano: 14/04/2020


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