Konkursy architektoniczne

Marzec 13, 2019

Re-use of RIPAFRATTA CASTLE, San Giuliano Terme (Pisa)

Termin składania prac: 15/05/2019
Data zakończenia: 09/06/2019
Miasto: Pisa
Kraj: Włochy

The Castle of Ripafratta, one of the most important fortress of Tuscany, is a ruin since the XVI century. The last renovation was designed by the famous renaissance architect Giuliano da Sangallo in 1504, probably in collaboration with Leonardo da Vinci.

Is it possible to bring life back inside this medieval walls?

The answer to this question is in the hands of the architects, the engineers and the students who will participate to this competition.
The jackpot is 2500 euro : the winner team of the competition will receive a prize of 2000 Euro and they will be invited to explain their project to the citizenry during the “Castle Festival”, June 8th-9th 2019. The second prize is 300 euro, the third prize is 200 euro.

The competition, promoted by local and national organizations, has the goal to valorize this forgotten castle and to show that is possible to bring back life inside this walls. Thanks in advance to all the submitted projects, which will be extremely useful in this civic paramount challenge.

Dodano: 13/03/2019


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