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Czwartek 09 Styczeń 2020, 07:35:53


Do you like snakes? It's cool if you don't because these snakes are no threat to you. Other players, on the other hand... Enjoy a twist on an old classic with Slither.io! Like the classic game Snake that was available on cell phones and computers for decades, you grow by eating small pellets. But with its multiplayer gameplay, you now get the same action while competing against other people. Feel free to chow down on your smaller enemies, but remember that there's always a bigger snake who can kill you!

Slither.io is, in spirit at least, the sequel of Agario. You grow by eating little circles. Kill other players to eat all their mass. Can you reach the leaderboard?

If you like Slither, try out other io games, such as Zombs Royale, Shell Shockers, Krunker.io and Surviv.io as well! There's also the amazing game Little Big Snake, which has similar gameplay, but takes Slither.io to the next level!

There are hundreds of players to defeat but regardless of the game size, the mission of this multiplayer game remains the same - to gain the biggest snake.

Slither.io Features
Decorate your worm using one of 12 different skins
Take the fight to others in real-time massively multiplayer competitions
With millions of players worldwide, there's no shortage of matches
Colorful, neon graphics bring your snake to life in whole new ways

Slither.io Platforms
Slither.io is available through a web browser, Android, and iOS.

Slither.io Developer
Slither.io was developed by Steve Howse, a 32-year-old developer from Michigan who had previously developed Circle Push and Flappy 2048 Extreme. His company is called Lowtech Studios.
Web: https://happywheels24.com/


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