Participants are invited to reimagine the potential of urban spaces through innovative, small-scale interventions that address today’s pressing challenges while inspiring vibrant and inclusive public life.
Architects from all over the world can participate in this new international architecture competition, in which inHAUS poses the challenge of industrialised construction to the most daring and creative designs. Dare to challenge its innovative off-site construction system.
The aim of the Competition is to select the best conceptual design proposal for the areas of CUT in the Czyżyny district of Krakow district and its surrounding areas.
make me! to międzynarodowy konkurs dla młodych projektantek i projektantów (w wieku 20–35 lat), który od 2008 roku wspiera rozwój talentów, promuje innowacyjne projekty i pomaga w budowaniu kariery w branży designu.
The participant can select any specific site as the context of their design. The subject and scale can be ar-chitecture, urban design, interior design, or landscape design.
Celem konkursu jest wyłonienie najlepszej pracy, koncepcyjnego projektu budynku Szkoły Podstawowej nr 3 w Kórniku (obręb Bnin).