
Kwiecień 1, 2011

Nagroda Pritzkera 2011

Eduardo Souta de Moura
Eduardo Souta de Moura

Laureatem architektonicznego Nobla w roku 2011 został portugalski architekt Eduardo Souta de Moura.

Według jury, Eduardo Souto de Moura w ciągu ostatnich trzech dekad stworzył dzieło, które należy do naszych czasów, a jednocześnie niesie w sobie echo architektonicznej tradycji. Jego dorobek jest przekonującym dowodem na ekspresyjny potencjał nowoczesnego idiomu i możliwość jego adaptacji do warunków lokalnych. Zawsze mając na uwadze bardzo szeroko rozumiany kontekst i zakorzenienie w miejscu, czasie i funkcji, architektura Souto de Moury podkreśla znaczenie historii, a zarazem rozszerza możliwości współczesnej ekspresji.

Dorobek architektoniczny Eduardo Souta de Moura

Urodzony: 25 czerwca, 1952 w Oporto w Portugalii
Wykształcenie: School of Architecture (ESBAP) - Oporto, Portugalia
W 1980 roku otwira włąsną pracownię

  • 1980-84 Municipal Market Braga, Portugal
  • 1981-91 “Casa das Artes”, S.E.C. Cultural Centre Porto, Portugal
  • 1982-85 House One Nevogilde, Oporto, Portugal
  • 1983-88 House Two Nevogilde, Oporto, Portugal
  • 1984-89 House in Quinta do Lago Almansil, Algarve, Portugal
  • 1985 Bridge “Dell’ Academia” La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
  • 1986-88 Annexes to a house in Rua da Vilarinha Oporto, Portugal
  • 1987-92 House in Alcanena Torres Novas, Portugal
  • 1987-89 Salzburg Hotel competition
  • 1987 Master Plan for “Porta dei Colli” Palermo, Italy (Milan Triennal)
  • 1987-91 House 1 in Miramar Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
  • 1987-94 House in Av. da Boavista Porto, Portugal
  • 1988 Master plan and civic buildings for “Mondello” Palermo, Italy
  • 1989-97 Conversion of the Santa Maria do Bouro Convent into a State Inn, Amares, Portugal
  • 1989-94 House in “Bom Jesus” Braga, Portugal
  • 1990-94 Geo-Sciences Department, University of Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal
  • 1990-93 House in Maia Maia, Portugal; House in Baião Baião, Portugal
  • 1991-95 House in Tavira Tavira, Algarve, Portugal
  • 1991-2007 Burgo Project in Boavista Avenue (Office Blocks and Commercial Mall) Porto, Portugal
  • 1991-98 House in Moledo Caminha, Portugal
  • 1992-95 Apartment Block in Rua do “Teatro Porto, Portugal
  • 1992-2000 Children’s Library and Auditorium Porto, Portugal
  • 1993-2004 Remodeling and Improvement of the Grão Vasco Museum Viseu, Portugal
  • 1993-99 Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal
  • 1993-2007 Conversion of the Customs Building into Transports and Communications Museum Porto, Portugal
  • 1994-2002 House in Serra da Arrábida Portugal; House in Cascais Portugal
  • 1994-2001 Residential building Liege Square, Porto, Portugal
  • 1995-2004 Master Plan for Maia City Maia, Portugal
  • 1995-2002 Conversion Plan for the Coastline of South Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal
  • 1995-98 Design of the Portuguese Pavilion, Expo ‘98 Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1996-97 Interiors Project for Santa Maria do Bouro Inn Amares, Portugal
  • 1997-99 Interiors Project for the “Armazens do Chiado” Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1997-2001 Portuguese Photographic Center “Edificio da Cadeia da Relação do Porto” Porto, Portugal
  • 1997-2005 Architectural Project for the Porto Metro (subway) Porto, Portugal
  • 1997-2001 Residential building in Cidade da Maia Maia, Portugal
  • 1997-2001 Remodeling of the Market in Braga Braga, Portugal
  • 1998-99 Cultural “Silo” in the Norteshopping Matosinhos, Portugal
  • 1998-2003 Cinema House for Manoel de Oliveira Oporto, Portugal
  • 1999-2000 Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Portuguese Pavilion for Expo Hannover
  • 2000 Multi-purpose pavilion in Viana do Castelo Portugal
  • 2000-2003 Architecture project for the Braga Stadium Braga, Portugal
  • 2002-2006 28 Houses in na Av.da Boavistra Porto, Portugal
  • 2002 Rehabilitation of the Historical Center Valença do Minho, Portugal
  • 2003-2008 Modern Contemporary Art Museum in Bragança Portugal
  • 2003 House in Girona, Llabia Barcelona, Spain Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Metro Station Municipio - Linea 1 Naples, Italy
  • 2004-2005 Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Serpentine Pavilion London, UK
  • 2004 Golf resort Óbidos, Portugal
  • 2004 Co-author with Atelier Terradas i Muntañola for Residential Center and Services - La Pallaresa Barcelona, Spain
  • 2005-2009 Paula Rêgo Museum Cascais, Portugal
  • 2005 Office building for Novartis Basil, Switzerland
  • 2005 Bernia Golf Resort Alicante, Spain; Kortrijk Crematorium Belgium
  • 2006 House of Professor Cascais, Portugal; Two family Houses Ibiza, Spain
  • 2007 Conversion of “Convento das Bernardas” into family houses Tavira, Portugal; Office Building for Edemi Gardens Porto, Portugal
  • Residential Building for Vale de Santo Amaro Alcântara, Lisbon, Portugal; Wine Cellar in Mealhada Portugal; Master Plan for new City Hall Buidling Trofa, Portugal; Tower in Benidorm, Apartments and Hotel Spain; Espaço Miguel Torga Sabrosa, Portugal; Conversion of Pensã o Monumental into Apartments Porto, Portugal
  • 2008 Co-author with Ângelo de Sousa for the Portuguese Official Representation in the Venice Biennale 2008 Venice, Italy; Hotel in Obidos Obidos, Portugal; Co-author with Architect Flávio Barbini for the Recuperation of Pagnoni Complex Monza, Italy


1980 António de Almeida Foundation
1981 1 st prize in the competition for the Cultural Center of the S.E.C. Oporto, Portugal
1982 1 st prize in the competition for the restructuring of the main square in Évora, Portugal
1984 Antero de Quental Foundation
1986 1 st prize in the competition for the C.I.A.C. pavilions
1987 1 st prize in the competition for a Hotel in Salzburg
1990 1 st prize (ex-aequo) in the IN/ARCH 1990 per la Sicilia
1992 SECIL award for architecture 1 st prize in the competition for the “Construction of an Auditorium and a Children’s Library in the City Hall Library Oporto, Portugal

  • 2nd prize in the competition for “The Stone in Architecture”.
  • Secil award for architecture - Honorable Mention for the House in Alcanena
  • National Awards for Architecture - Honorable Mention for the Cultural Center and the House in Alcanena.

1995 International Prize for Stone in Architecture Fiera di Verona, for the House in “Bom Jesus”, Braga.


  • Annual award of the Portuguese Department of the International Association of Art Critics, for the building in Rua do Teatro.
  • Nominee for the “Mies van der Rohe
  • European Union Architecture Prize”for the following projects:

1990 - Cultural Center, Oporto
1992 - House in Alcanena
1994 - Department of Geosciences, Aveiro University
1996 - Building in Rua do Teatro, Oporto
1998 - Pousada of Santa Maria do Bouro.
2000 – Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos
2002 – Cinema House “Manoel de Oliveira”, Oporto
2010 – Paula Rego’s House of Stories, Cascais.

  • Nominee for the award IBERFAD with the “Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro”
  • 1st prize in the I Bienal IberoAmericana with the “Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro”
  • Award Pessoa


  • Award “Stone in Architecture” - Honorable Mention for the “Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro”
  • Award FAD - Opinion Award for the “Silo Cultural” in Norteshopping, Matosinhos.

2001 Award Heinrich-Tessenow-Medal in Gold.
2002 Nominee for the “III Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Ingenieria Civil”, for the Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos
2003 Award “Stone in Architecture” – Honorable Mention of the Project in Matosinhos South.


  • Finalist of the FAD Award 2004, for the project “2 Houses in Ponte de Lima”. - Opinion Award of the FAD Jury 2004.
  • SECIL award for architecture


  • Finalist of the Prize “Prémio Europeu de Arquitectura Pabellón Mies van der Rohe 2004” for the Project of the “Braga Stadium”.
  • Award FAD, Barcelona, for the project of Braga Stadium.
  • -Opinion Award FAD, Barcelona, for the project of Braga Stadium
  • - Gold Medal for Braga Stadium – IAKS –
  • International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities, Cologne, Germany
  • - Finalist of the “I Prémio de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor”, for the project “Cinema House Manoel de Oliveira”.
  • 1º. Prize in the competition for a Crematorium in Kortrijk, Belgium.


  • Architecture International Prize for “Braga Municipal Stadium” from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA.
  • Honorable Mention for “Braga Municipal Stadium” “Best Window” VETECO, Madrid Fair, Spain.
  • FAD Award “Ciutat i Paisatge” with the Project “Metro do Porto”.
  • ENOR Ward of Portugal with the Project “Metro do Porto”.
  • “Gran Prémio Enor” with the Project “Metro do Porto”
  • “Finalist” for the Jury of Enor Award with the Project “Metro do Porto”
  • Honorable Mention for “Braga Municipal Stadium”
  • V Edition Bienal Iberoamericana of Architecture and Urbanism, Montevideo, Uruguay

2007 Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)

  • Architecture International Prize for “Burgo Office Tower” from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA.
  • International Fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Finalist of FAD Award 2008 for “Burgo Tower”.


  • Green Good Design 2009, with the “Luce 3” Lamp
  • The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum.
  • Award “Cidades de Excelência 2008-2009”, for the project “Plano de Pormenor do Largo do Souto, em S. João da Madeira”.
  • Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidade de Chiclayo, República do Perú
  • Architecture International Prize for “Contemporary Art Museum of Bragança” from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA.
  • First prize in the Competition for the project “Railway High Speed Axis
  • Lisbon/Madrid – PPP1 – Poceirão/Caia, co-authored with Arch. Adriano Pimenta.
  • First prize in the competition for the New Hospital of Évora.
  • First Prize in the “Project LIWA” an Oasis of Learning for Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


  • Nominated as a Member of the Academy of Arts Architecture Section – of Berlin.
  • Architecture Medal of “L’Academie d’Architecture de France”; Paris.
  • - Award for the project “Paula Rego Museum” from The Chicago Athenaeum, the Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies

Tagi: Eduardo Souta de Moura Nagroda Pritzkera


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