Konkursy architektoniczne

Marzec 11, 2024


Data końca rejestracji: 31/05/2024
Termin składania prac: 31/05/2024
Miasto: konkurs międzynarodowy

In this competition, we invite architects, designers, and dreamers to imagine the future of art as influenced and created by artificial intelligence. The challenge is to conceptualize what an AI art museum might look like in the future. Will it be a physical structure, or exist in the metaverse? How will it showcase the unique creations born from AI?

Participants are encouraged to explore the limitless possibilities of AI in art. Proposals should consider how AI influences not only the art itself but also the way we experience and interact with art. What kind of pieces will it exhibit? How will it engage with its audience? Will it be an interactive space, blurring the lines between the creator, the viewer, and the art?

This competition challenges you to think about the integration of advanced technologies in architectural design, such as AI-generated artworks, virtual reality experiences, and interactive installations.


Non Architecture Competitions are open to all human beings, from every age and cultural background, working in groups or individually. The registration fee is paid per team, regardless of how many members form it. Personal information of all the team members can be uploaded during the submission procedure of the final drawing.

Szczegóy: https://www.non-a.com/open-architecture-competitions/ai-museum/

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