Konkursy architektoniczne

Marzec 2, 2020


Data rozpoczęcia: 25/02/2020
Data końca rejestracji: 01/06/2020
Termin składania prac: 22/06/2020
Data zakończenia: 08/07/2020
Kraj: Słowenia - Włochy


Update of the International architectural ideas and project competition for the urban development of Piazza Transalpina/ Trg Evrope Square timetable in view of the ongoing global health crisis COVID-19. Due to the current epidemiological emergency COVID-19, in accordance with the Secrétariat Général de UIA and on the basis of the UNESCO provisions for international competitions, the individual terms of the timetable, laid down in the notice, published on the 25th February 2020, have been postponed by approximately two months.

  • The deadline for the registration to the competition will be postponed to the 1st of June 2020.
  • The change will be communicated on all official channels, published in the EU and Italian Official Journal and in newspapers, as per legislation.
The International Union of Architects has endorsed an urban regeneration project linking the Italian city of Gorizia with the Slovenian city, Nova Gorica, and creating a shared central area to be known as Europe Square – Piazzale Della Transalpina and the hub EPICenter. The single stage, combined project and ideas competition, will be conducted according to the UNESCO Regulations for international architecture design competitions, as an anonymous, open procedure.

As part of a campaign for the title of 2025 European Capital of Culture (ECoC), the Municipalities of Nova Gorica and Gorizia, under the umbrella of the EGTC GO and with the endorsement of the UIA, have organised a joint programme to celebrate and develop the economic and cultural infrastructure of this unique area in the centre of Europe, at the crossroads of tradition and modernity. The principal goal of the project is to unify the historically fragmented district in front of the railway station known as Europe Square / Piazza Transalpina, to improve the quality of life for its inhabitants and to foster economic development, tourism and investment. The estimated cost of the project is 7.500.000,00 Euros.
The competition is thus divided into two parts:

  • Area 1 - Project proposals for the design of Europe Square / Piazzale della Transalpina and the transcultural hub EPICenter
  • Area 2 - Ideas proposals for the remodelling of the border zones from Solkan/Salcano to Rožna dolina / Casa Rossa

The international jury includes Roger Riewe (Austria), Saša Randić (Croatia), Helle Juul (Denmark) UIA representative, Polona Filipič (Slovenia) and Giovanni Fraziano (Italy). Deputy jurors are Vojko Pavčič (Slovenia) and Nathalie Rozencwajg (United Kingdom), UIA alternate juror.


The total prize money for the competition is 48.000,00 EUR. The jury will allocate three prizes which will receive the following amounts:

  • 1st prize 25.000,00 EUR
  • 2nd prize 15.000,00 EUR
  • 3rd prize 8.000,00 EUR

The jury may decide to award up to 3 honorary mentions to projects of special interest.

This competition is open to all architects of the world and all legal entities which are entitled to practise in their country of residence.

The official language of the competition is English.

  • 25 FEBRUARY 2020: Launch, registration opens and documentation available here
  • 19 MARCH - 2 APRIL 2020: Questions and Answer Period
  • 6 APRIL 2020: Registration deadline
  • 17 APRIL 2020: Deadline for Questions
  • 22 JUNE 2020: Deadline for Submissions
  • 1-4 JULY 2020: Entry Evaluation
  • 8 JULY 2020: Announcement of results

For further information, see the competition website or contact the organisers.

Dodano: 02/03/2020, Zmodyfikowano: 16/04/2020


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