Wydarzenia architektoniczne Listopad 2, 2021

BUILD BETTER NOW - wirtualny pawilon na COP26

Typ: Inne
Data od: 31/10/2021
Data do: 12/11/2021
Miasto: wydarzenie on-line

Virtual pavilion for COP26 opens to the public, showcasing pioneering building projects and tackling global sustainability themes.

Build Better Now is a collaborative project co-owned by over 100 partner organisations from across the built environment sector, for which UKGBC is acting as a secretariat. This coalition has come together to ensure that the sector’s key role in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies is brought to the forefront - in the run-up to, during and far beyond COP26.

The Virtual Pavilion aims to showcase the relationship between the built environment and climate change, both as a part of the problem and the solution. It will comprise an exhibition of global exemplar projects and places, within a bespoke virtual reality (VR) space, as well as a major series of events and downloadable content – to include keynotes, panel discussions and more. On 11 November, the UN’s Climate Conference COP26 will feature a dedicated Built Environment Day as part of its official presidency programme.


Explore an immersive virtual reality exhibition to discover international projects offering solutions to the climate crisis. Accessible globally from a laptop, tablet or mobile device, this exhibition invites everyone to learn about innovative and sustainable ideas for buildings, cities and infrastructure that are having a positive impact on people’s lives. https://buildbetternow.co/exhibition/


The Build Better Now events programme follows daily themes of the official COP26 Presidency Programme with a focus on the Built Environment. Featuring speakers from across the global industry with a range of expertise, the programme promises to be an inspiring way to engage with the solutions our buildings can provide. 

Build Better Now events are free and open to a global audience. Please note that the time of all of the events is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Explore the official Build Better Now programme for COP26 below. For even more ways to engage, you can view a detailed schedule of events led by our partners below. Together, these programmes offer a rich selection of content covering the official COP26 themes and shine the spotlight on sustainability in the built environment.

For more information: buildbetternow.co/

Zobacz także: COP26 - budynki na rzecz Klimatu

Dodano: 02/11/2021, Zmodyfikowano: 02/11/2021


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