Konkursy architektoniczne

Wrzesień 24, 2018

WinterStations 2019

Termin składania prac: 05/10/2018
Kraj: Kanada



Winter Stations is now embarking on its fifth year, again opening an international design competition to bring temporary public art installations to The Beaches for an exhibition to celebrate Toronto's winter waterfront landscape.
This year we are hoping to include up to six lifeguard stands, including an additional two by invited post-secondary institutions, to be exhibited at Woodbine Beach at the western end of the beach bordering Lake Ontario in the Beach Community. These utilitarian structures are to be used as the armature for temporary installations, which will need to be able to withstand the rigours of Toronto winter weather. The exhibition is to run February 18 to April 1, 2019.
This is a single-stage open international competition, welcoming artists, designers, architects and landscape architects to submit concept proposals for Winter Stations' temporary artwork installations.




The WinterStations 2019 theme is Migration.
What is migration? Who migrates? Where do they migrate?
A simple definition of migration is the movement from one location to another with the intent of permanent or temporary settlement. But, of course, the concept and practice of migration is much more complex and layered than a simple definition.
Human migration involves the dispersal of populations across the globe. This has lead to the development of civilizations and their cultures, reflected in historical narratives and traditions passed on through generations as cultural landscapes shift and evolve. Migration is carried out by other animal species, including our own Canadian Geese, seeking out ideal habitats. Non-creatures also migrate: sand and water, thoughts, trends, music, film and fashion.
The theme of migration may explore many facets of migration, including the complex social issues that surround humanity's shaping of our global society or the flight of animals or the exchange of ideas. Ultimately, migration is a story, much of it yet to be told.

More: http://winterstations.com/index.php

Dodano: 24/09/2018


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