Konkursy architektoniczne

Sierpień 12, 2014


Data końca rejestracji: 05/10/2014
Termin składania prac: 05/10/2014
Miasto: Madryt
Kraj: Hiszpania

This is a single stage Ideas Competition with the aim of identifying the best proposal of aMuseum devoted to the Digital Arts in the centre of Madrid, Spain.

We invite you to create innovative solutions to tackle the challenges presented.

In a way that pushes architectural design and ideas forward, the issue is raised of how the characteristics of Digital Art might be transposed into space, in a way that potentiates a better understanding of the exposed work.

The site chosen to develop this exercise is placed in the central part of Madrid, in one of its more vibrant neighborhoods, Lavapiés. On an urban point of view, this situation brings into question the inherent value of these urban voids, plots devoid of function but not of meaning or importance in the urban fabric. The location in vicinity with a wide array of museums and cultural Equipments enforces the relevance of a cultural function to this site.


Dodano: 12/08/2014


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