Konkursy architektoniczne

Luty 28, 2016

Prague New Town Hall Competition

Data rozpoczęcia: 19/02/2016
Data końca rejestracji: 18/03/2016
Termin składania prac: 18/03/2016
Miasto: Praga
Kraj: Czechy

The goal of the competition is to reconstruct an extant building into a representative and modern public office – a town hall where mutual understanding, respect and trust among residents and employees will be self-evident.


The design should provide an energy-efficient structure that would not burden the district government with excessive operating costs and would be able to age gracefully in terms of its conception as well as the materials used.


A major task in the competition is the creation of good-quality relations inside a limited space with an already-set volume. Key to the success is the design of the interior, which should aid in forming a sense of transparency and honest Communication, allow for flows of large numbers of people, and in its basic concept take into account the need of storage areas for official purposes.


  • 19th of February 2016 Announcement of the competition
  • 10th of March 2016 by midnight CET Deadline for submission of the questions (Round I)
  • 25th of April 2016 by midnight CET Deadline for submission of the questions (Round II)
  • 16th of March 2016 by 6:00 pm CET Deadline for submission of competition designs (Round I) at the mailroom of the Municipal office of the Prague 7
  • 2nd of May 2016 by 6:00 pm CET Deadline for submission of competition designs (Round II) at the mailroom of the Municipal office of the Prague 7
  • 16th of May 2016 The preliminarily date of the result announcement




Prizes will be awarded to the three best designs. These prizes are set at 550 000 CZK for first place, 350 000 CZK for second place, and 250 000 CZK for third place. Work reimbursements for the 5 remaining designs that do not win any prizes will be 350 000 CZK in total.

More: http://competitions.archi/competition/prague-new-town-hall-competition/

Dodano: 28/02/2016


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