Konkursy architektoniczne

Wrzesień 23, 2024

Schools for Palestine

Data końca rejestracji: 02/12/2024
Termin składania prac: 02/12/2024
Data zakończenia: 21/12/2024
Kraj: Palestyna

Mobile Schools: an urgent need in Palestine. This international architecture competition seeks innovative designs for mobile schools in the West Bank to ensure uninterrupted education for Palestinian children.

The conflict in the West Bank has led to severe hardships for the Palestinian people, especially through the intentional and organized demolition of buildings, including schools, disrupting children’s education and morale.The urgency of the situation has prompted us to launch an international architecture competition to design innovative, mobile schools for the West Bank that can be easily relocated and reassembled if they receive a demolition order.By participating, you not only contribute to architectural innovation and education, but you also support the Palestinian people by helping the NGO Wallah We Can build the winning project and replicate it wherever needed.Join us in standing with Palestine, raising awareness, and making a tangible difference.

Mobile Schools: an Innovative Solution for Education

  • This international architecture competition seeks innovative designs for mobile schools in the West Bank to ensure uninterrupted education for Palestinian children.
  • Participants should focus on modularity, quick deployment, and using lightweight, portable, and locally sourced materials for easy relocation in case of demolition threats.
  • We invite participants to challenge norms, innovate, and critically explore sustainable, resilient, and locally relevant materials and construction techniques.
  • We look forward to your visionary solutions and impactful contributions.

More: https://schoolsforpalestine.com/

Dodano: 23/09/2024


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