Konkursy architektoniczne

Czerwiec 10, 2024

The Architecture Award for the Smart Marina

Data końca rejestracji: 22/07/2024
Termin składania prac: 23/08/2024
Miasto: Marsylia
Kraj: Francja

The Architecture Award for the Smart Marina event is a competition that aims to inspire established architects and architecture students to create waterfront projects that are not only attractive and functional but also sustainable.

The objective is to design a space where boaters, tourists, and local communities can enjoy the location while preserving the natural environment. The prize encourages the use of innovative materials, architectural techniques, and energy-efficient technologies to promote sustainability in the marina industry. The competition aims to recognize outstanding architecture that exemplifies the perfect balance between functionality, aesthetics, and environmental conservation.


In the calanque of Sormiou, on the Mediterranean coast near Marseille, with its steep cliffs and calm waters. This natural enclave, a true regional treasure, is a haven for rich and diverse marine biodiversity. The “cabanons,” emblematic of a Marseille tradition, are small houses that appeared in the early 20th century to store fishermen’s boats in Sormiou. Over time, these cabanons have become highly sought-after vacation spots for locals, despite their rudimentary comfort (no electricity). The cabanonniers, aware of this privilege, pass them down from generation to generation. It has become a true “way of life,” where happy owners enjoy a peaceful and convivial life between swimming and aperitifs.

Project goal​
Participants in the architecture competition are tasked with designing a floating marina consisting of adaptable platforms to cater to high summer demand. The concept should embody several key advantages, including ease of setup, minimal environmental impact, modularity, and reduced architectural footprint.


The main programmatic elements of the project are as follows:

  • Facilities such as a restaurant, a bar, and three unique accommodations to enhance visitor experience.
  • A minimum of six moorings for small units up to 24 meters in length, with larger vessels accommodated by tenders.
  • A leisure center equipped with paddles and windsurf boards for recreational activities.
  • Provision for waste collection to maintain cleanliness and hygiene from the infrastructure but also the anchored boats.

Details: https://sustainablesmartmarina.com/call-for-ideas-2024/##1

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