Konkursy architektoniczne

Marzec 11, 2011

Beton Hala Waterfront Center

Data końca rejestracji: 25/03/2011
Termin składania prac: 28/04/2011
Data zakończenia: 13/05/2011
Miasto: Belgrad
Kraj: Serbia

The City of Belgrade is launching an international one-stage architectural competition to design the Beton Hala Waterfront Center in Belgrade. The Waterfront Center is envisioned as the principal new access point from the capital's riverfront to its historic core, and a contemporary architectural anchor point for a vibrant pedestrian zone in one of the city's oldest continually inhabited parts.

Scope of the competition

Subject of the competition
The subject of the architectural competition is the preparation of the Preliminary Architectural Design for the new building: Beton Hala Waterfront Center and the surrounding area near the Sava Port.

Purpose of the Competition 
The purpose of the architectural competition is to choose, on the basis of a comparison of designs submitted, the best entry by a participant capable of creating the most suitable design in fulfillment of the promoter’s requirements as laid down in these Terms, Program and Relevant Documents.

The ambition of competition is to identify proposals that successfully address the requirements of the Beton Hala Waterfront Center and the surrounding site.

Public procurement for services

The winner of the best entry shall conclude a contract and col­laborate with an authorized architects/architectural team from Republic of Serbia on all development phases of a project. The Promoter will select the authorized architects and engineers from the Republic of Serbia (according to Public procurement law article 2 paragraph 9) in collaboration with the winner.
The actual contractual conditions for the development of the main design will not be determined before the selection of the winner of the project competition.

The Promoter and the Promoter’s adviser will be in charge of the dialogue and negotiation.
In the event of failing within two weeks from the announcement of the competition results, for reasons on the part of the winner of the best entry, to conclude negotiations of terms of the contract as single source procurement, new proceeding and negotiations without a public notice for a public procurement shall be conducted, taking into account the Authors awarded the 2nd and 3rd prizes of the competition.


Meeting professional requirements
Architects (architectural teams) may participate in the competition, if they meet the following requirements:
- Architects participating in the competition shall be licensed / certified / registered / authorized in a professional body in their country,
– Architectural teams participating in the competition shall have at least one licensed/certified/registered/ authorized architect who will be the team leader.

At the time of registration, competitors shall prove their pro­fessional competence by submitting copy of a formal document on their license /registration / certification/ authorization.

Should a winner of the competition not meet the set forth professional prerequisites (or should he/she give false data in his/her portfolio), the commission shall discuss with the next ranked competitor. At that stage the competitors will provide duly certified copies of required documents.

Persons excluded from the competition
The following persons will not be admitted to take part in the competition:
– Jurors and reserve jurors;
– Persons related to the Promoter of the competition or participated directly in the preparation of the competition assignment and in competition announcement;
– The families of the above persons, as well as persons belonging to any organization with which the above mentioned are associated as heads, officials or advisors.

This stipulation also applies to members of local government and administrative authorities including the promoter.
Competitors may not receive direct or indirect assistance related to the competition from persons mentioned above.

Submission of Entries

Competitors must ensure that their entries arrive at the Competition Secretariat on or before: 28.04.2011.
Those packages sent from foreign countries must be packed so as to facilitate customs inspection, where required.
In order to preserve anonymity, the Competition Secretariat will discard packages and wrapping materials on reception.
Competitors, who hand-in their entries, will be provided with a receipt by the competition secretariat.

Prizes and Honorable Mentions

A total amount of 70.000 EUROS will be available for prizes and honorable mentions. It will be distributed as follows:

  • I prize 30.000,00
IIprize 20.000,00
III prize 10.000,00
  • Honorable Mentions, 5.000,00 each.

The Promoter undertakes to pay the prize money within 50 days of the announcement of the competition results.

Announcement of Results

The results of the competition will be announced on 13.05.2011.

The Promoter reserves the right to publish all winning entries.


Dodano: 11/03/2011


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