Konkursy architektoniczne

Luty 24, 2021


Data końca rejestracji: 01/04/2021
Termin składania prac: 12/05/2021
Kraj: Niemcy

FOCUS OPEN REWARDS FORWARD-LOOKING DESIGN! Design creates added value, design is a competitive advantage! Professional design has never been as important and taken for granted as it is today.

The Baden-Württemberg state award Focus Open provides an annual and transparent roundup of what’s state of the art when it comes to design, innovation and sustainability. And in 2021, Focus Open will once again be rewarding new products, services and concepts for their innovativeness and design quality.Win a Gold, Silver, Special Mention or Meta award and benefit from the feedback of an independent jury and a publicity boost in the form of our yearbook, exhibition and online presentation. If a member of the jury or their company is involved in a product’s de-velopment, that product is totally excluded from the competition.

With Focus Open, startups, newcomers and founders have the same chances of winning an award for their exciting projects as established design agencies and companies do!

Win Gold, Silver, Special Mention —or Meta, the feedback from an independent jury and a publicity boost in the form of our yearbook, exhibition and online presentation.

Dodano: 24/02/2021


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