European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014

The European Prize for Urban Public Space is a biennial competition that aims to recognise and encourage the creation, recovery and improvement of public space in the understanding that the state of public space is a clear indicator of the civic and collective health of our cities.
- 21 October 2013 – 23 January 2014 – period of registration
- 3 and 4 April 2014 – Jury’s final working sessions at the CCCB
- 25 April 2014 – prize-giving ceremony at the CCCB
Works that have created, recovered or improved public space within the geographic limits of the Council of Europe in the years 2012 and 2013 may present for the Prize. These entries must be presented by the authors or the institutions that have sponsored the public space project.
Given that some urban public space interventions are of very long duration, any project that has not been completely finalised in the time period of 2012-2013 may still present for the Prize if enough phases of the envisaged end result have been completed to enable evaluation of the eventual repercussions of the intervention as a whole within its urban setting.
Anyone wishing to present for the Prize must complete and submit, within the established time limit, all the documentation stipulated in the Rules.
The criteria that will govern selection of the prize-winning projects from among those that are presented for the European Prize for Urban Public Space will not only be related with the quality of the work from a strictly architectural point of view since the jury will also consider other aspects in its evaluation of the effects of the urban transformation that has taken place in the specific setting and its impact on collective life:
- The explicitly urban nature of the intervention. The size of the city or town is not a limiting factor although priority will be given to medium-sized or large municipalities and those with a more general urban significance.
- The public ownership and/or clearly public-spirited vocation of the project.
- Appropriateness of interventions to the functions required of public space, from those directly linked with citizens’ occupation of a space, through to those pertaining to the collective imaginary.
- Capacity of the interventions to reduce social fractures within the city and eliminate physical and/or symbolic barriers in order to enhance quality of life for the inhabitants.
- Contribution of the projects in the domain of environmental improvement, in promoting public transport and innovation in the treatment of public installations, energy resources and urban waste.
- The degree of citizen participation and engagement in the conception, production and/or subsequent maintenance of the space. Degree of acceptance of the project by users.
- Transversal character of the planning concepts and/or objectives that have guided the project (sociology, demography, history, architecture, economy, engineering, landscaping, anthropology).
The documentation required from anyone who wishes to present for the Prize is:
- 3 rigid panels in DIN A3 format with graphic and textual information about the work.
- A description of the work, approximately 4,500 characters in length, written in English and including an account of the previous state of the site, the aim of the intervention, a description of the intervention, and a final assessment of the project.
- A minimum of 10 digital photographs and plans of the work.
The entry procedure for the Prize, which is free of charge, consists of two parts:
On-line registration
The participant must register on-line by filling in, first, the basic form regarding the project and contact person and, then, providing all the other necessary information (technical file for the project, 3 panels, descriptive account, information concerning author/s, promoter/s, and photographs), besides uploading individual pdf documents of each one of A3 panels, the photos and plans of the work.
The person entering for the Prize can continue to modify and complete the registration file as often as s/he wishes until the registration period closes. If registration file has not been closed by the participant during the registration period, it will be closed automatically on 23 January 2014 at 12p.m.
If the person entering for the Prize is presenting more than one work, the on-line registration procedure must be followed for each work separately.
Detailed instructions regarding on-line registration may be found at
Presentation of the physical material at the CCCB
The following documentation must be submitted to the CCCB:
. One printed and signed copy of the Rights Sheet (this may be found in the procedure for on-line registration) once the data have been duly completed.
. 3 numbered panels: these must be rigid (in foam board or similar material) in DIN A3 format and oblong orientation. They must contain the following information:
- Map (or photomap) showing the location of the work inside its urban context (to scale).
- A pair of photographs of the site before and after the intervention, preferably from the same vantage point.
- Photographs of the finished work, indicating the two that are considered to be most representative. Images showing citizen use of the new space will be positively valued.
- Textual explanations in English where deemed necessary.
The documentation must be submitted in a well protected packet through the post, delivered by messenger or in person at the CCCB before 27 January at 2 p.m. In the case of packages sent by post or messenger, the date of dispatch must be certified at the post office or by the messenger service, and the CCCB is to be notified of the dispatch of the package at [email protected] on the same day. The package should be sent to the CCCB general registry (open on non-holidays from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.), at the following address:
PUBLICSPACE 2014 / registration code
Registre General
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5
E-08001 Barcelona
The documents submitted for the Prize will not be returned to the participants, who will not receive any fees for rights of public communication or use of the material selected, and who will also bear the costs of any claim or outlay pertaining to rights of intellectual property that might arise from the reproduction or use by the organisers of the projects that are presented. Entering for the Prize requires conformity with all the conditions specified in these rules.
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5
E-08001 Barcelona
Tel.: +34.93.306.41.00
[email protected]